lok..lets cut the crap!!hmm..how do you feel when you are bitten by your mum???
well..i noe dis gal..lets call her..she is kind of short..yea..and well she is actuallty adopted..hmm..first..her family is all so lovey dovey...u noe like your mum and dad showers all their love on you and bla bla bla..
den ..after three months...things started to not feel so right...her MUM went bazzar for no reason.. evry luttle petty things she does are always wrong according to her MUM..scolding is often what she got..yes you will wonderun..scolding only ma...but is not like your mum scolds you den nag at you..she gotscreaming in her ears..and wow...her heart went beating like it never did before..
den..she told herself..'IT IS OK...mum was just a bit stess out'..but it did not just end there...days after days ..it went on like dat...all she cud do was cry silently in her heart at the cotrner of her room..
screamung finally ends butr the teror had just begun...slaps on her face is now the new trend for her mum..her face was once flawless and envy of many gals but now she wished dat she cud jz tear it off and put a new one on it....
a few times i see her cry quietly..
"what is going on?" i will ask..
all she does is wipe off her tears and then she will just shake her head..walking of leving me in curious..
HAIH....(I SIGH) as i type this story..i began to wonder how is to feel like to stay under a house like this...maybe is no longer a home but just a name for it...
the story does not only end there as she continues.....suffering evry momment on her own...
pray for her!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
home? or just a name for it...
Posted by
10:45 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
29th dec..
woke up late!!!!!!!! cz of clemen....he chatted wif us(he called) till like 2..
almost ken marah..so fast 3RD day liao....yup...we played a game called past..present and future..kind of cool..let me do da explainin..
PAST- we are suppose to create a character based on what da ex-co gave..ours is poor gal..so we build creted her up
PRESENT-we had to build her PMS(dun think the wrong thing!! ) p-physical, m- mental, s- social..ok..we had to do running for physical..(siao e!! but fun la..) tested on knowledge for mental( i did help in algebra) social is we had to write name of other people in the camp based on alphabetical order!!
FUTURE- we had to invest the points we gained in building her character..
den singing...YEAH!!we went gila again..
we had a talk..we are suppose to write a letter to ourself, cucu and parents and fold it into a heart..and give dem..
den...omg!!!!!!!! TALENT NIGHT!!
ours are a blast!!
we packed stuff den..we did this thing called KALYANE MITRA( spiritual friend) ..we had to walk around the temple...and we saw grave yard along the way..alone..looking at pic..at about midnight..i went walking faster and faster to catch up with my friend in front of me......lolz..den ah...
30th dec(T.T)
haih..time to go back...time.....we had photo time...den we had to clean da place...
den tata kba...balik to sjba time...
told us da results of talent night...got SECOND WEI!! din expect dat...den
and T.T
and bye..ydc!!
hope to see you guys in reunion!!
Posted by
6:11 AM
sorryy!!!!!!suppose to be 27th da last post...
so now..28thdec
did morning puja at 7.30am..
then we had VEGETARIAN mee hoon with curry and uhm...sambal!! (stomach pain la!!!!shud not eat sambal!!) and milo...then we went to the hall and we were suppose to go to each station and listen bout the stuff bout kharma things wif how u treat the people around u..(well..if u dun understand..nvm..ME dun understan wat im writing too) its jz bout the karma thing..we had morning exercises too from star-walk(like the walking marathin kind) to banana dance..we also have PERSONALITY TEST!! i am a SANGUINE..( in case u dun noe dat..go look for a dictionary..dats y day are made!!)...den we had lunch!!!!!!!!!YEAH!!(i think so..)light and easy was after dis..(where you lie down and relax and listen to what the ex-co telling and we are not suppose to sleep!!) BUT I DID!! we did singing after dat...was my fave!!!my gang and i went hyped!! like cuckoo!! LOLZ!! it was fun...den we had dis group discussion thingi bout the talent night CZ WE ARE SUPPOSE TO DO IT IN FRONT OF THE PARENTS!! haven did dta b4..i am actually a fortune teller in my play..so..okla..dinner was after dis..oolala..we had dis karma talk bout your past life in result of dis life and bla bla bla!!sleep time!!
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5:55 AM